"Education leads to confidence. confidence leads to hope. Hope leads to peace"
The standard of education in India is falling.The number of degree holders is increasing, But the level of knowledge is decreasing.In the Past , people did not have many educational degrees, but they had real Knowledge. But these day, we insist on bookish knowledge.
A person who can cram more and then write it within three hours may get more marks . In our Schools and colleges, we do not Pay attention on real knowledge. Our education system prepares a student for passing examinations only.
but a student holding an M.A degree may not know how to write a simple application. He may not be able to fill up the form for railway reservation. There are many reasons for the falling standard of Education . There is shortage of school at the primary and matriculation level .There is also need for good and trained teachers. The course of edcation should also be framed in such a way as to give real knowledge to the students . It is the duty of the teachers and society to check the falling standards of Educations .
“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.“